If Willy Wonka had a chocolate restaurant, it would look like Dip n Dip #ravingreviews


I didn’t really know what to expect when I visited Dipndip. All I knew was that Dipndip is an international brand. They sell chocolate desserts and this is their first outlet in Singapore.

Not being a sweet tooth myself, I don’t really have that much experience with desserts (compared to a dessert lover). I daresay that Dipndip has a good chance at converting any non-chocolate eater into one.

As I was walking into the restaurant, I noticed that they had several fondues of chocolate. One each for the different types of chocolate:white, milk, dark. I could see the fondues in the kitchen through the glass panel.

The restaurant is beautiful, and really brightly lit – I wish I had photos! It made me really happy just walking through the restaurant. At the front of the restaurant was a really nice counter with other chocolate desserts for you to choose from. But if it is your first visit, skip those first, and go straight for the chocolate desserts in the menu.

The Pancake Brownie Club

My treat at Dipndip started with this one, it is called the pancake brownie club as per the name.

It is a stack of pancakes and brownies. The brownie layers are hollow, and they filled the hollow centres with more melted chocolate, strawberries, and little crunchy bits. Cut through this pancake and all the chocolate will ooze out, making your dessert experience that much more sinful.

It looks really pretty from the top. The glaze, the colours of the chocolate, and even the drizzle, everything is just sooo good. Tastewise, this stack of pancake brownies was just fantastic. #ravingreviews and #highlyrecommended. If it’s your first time, start with this one okay? Just a note – there will be alooooooooot of chocolate with every bite.

And then, the mighty crepe greeted me.

The Mighty Crepe

I didn’t know that chocolate could be fashioned like this with crepe. I was really really surprised this is a huge piece of crepe that looked like a burrito. From the top you can see the crispy bits and the generous amount of chocolate fondue, in all the colours.

Cut this in half, and you’ll see. This crêpe is filled with custard, white chocolate, strawberries and even brownies. Every kind of chocolatey dessert that you could possibly enjoy in one bite, all wrapped up into one burrito. Quite ingenuous.

This was a whole new level of sweeeeeet. Unforgettable.

The Chocolate Burj

The Chocolate Burj is not just about the chocolate, it is an experience on its own.

The Chocolate Burj did not look like this upon arrival. It arrived to my table as a cone-shaped chocolate, served with hot fudge on the side. The server then used the rich, thick chocolate fudge to melt the chocolate cone on one side, revealing a fun surprise inside, including Vanilla ice cream, cream puffs with custard fillings, with some crunchy bits all around. It felt like mind-trickery when I already decided that this dessert will taste good, even before tasting the dessert. haha! #ravingreviews and #highlyrecommended

Everything was sweet, and melty and niiiceeeeee.. So, here’s a friendly reminder that it would be a good idea to talk a long walk all around Vivocity once you’re done with this.

Fettuccine Crepe

I then ended my last item for the visit with my friend with the fettuccine crepe.

On this plate, is crepe that is cut into thin slices to resemble fettuccine pasta, served with a round scoop of ice cream. What you’re seeing a picture is not how it will arrive at your table.

It will arrive with the milky chocolate on the side. The server will then drizzle all the milk chocolate fondue onto the fettuccine crepe. They will also drizzle the milk chocolate on the ice cream until the chocolate fondue start to harden due to the cold ice cream.

If I were to recommend one thing you should try, I would say that it would be the pancake right on top of this post – the pancake, brownie club.

I also made a video of my visit. Check it out here!

Would I come back here again? Yes.

Would I bring the family here for a treat? Yes.

So, all in all, I would like to say, welcome to Singapore, Dipndip. I hope you stay forever.


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You’ve got a party at home & you want to order in. This list is for you.

The first HBB at the bottom inspired me to start this list! 2. Keh.ju On my first bite…

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